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Chronic inflammation is a prolonged inflammatory response that can last for months or even years. Unlike acute inflammation, which is a short-term process that helps the body heal, chronic inflammation can lead to various health issues. Understanding the signs of chronic inflammation is crucial for early intervention and effective treatment. In this blog post, we will explore the symptoms of chronic inflammation and how chiropractic care and physical therapy can help manage it.

What is Chronic Inflammation?

Before diving into the signs, it's essential to understand what chronic inflammation is. Inflammation is your body's natural response to injury or infection. It involves immune cells, blood vessels, and molecular mediators working together to eliminate harmful stimuli and initiate healing. However, when this process becomes prolonged, it turns into chronic inflammation.

Chronic inflammation can be triggered by various factors such as persistent infections, autoimmune disorders, long-term exposure to irritants like industrial chemicals or polluted air, and lifestyle factors like poor diet and lack of exercise.

Common Signs of Chronic Inflammation

Persistent Pain

One of the most common signs of chronic inflammation is persistent pain. This pain can manifest in different parts of the body such as joints, muscles, or even internal organs. Unlike acute pain that subsides once the underlying issue is resolved, chronic pain lingers for an extended period.


Feeling constantly tired despite getting adequate sleep could be a sign of chronic inflammation. The body's continuous effort to fight off perceived threats drains energy resources, leading to fatigue.

Digestive Issues

Chronic inflammation often affects the digestive system. Symptoms like bloating, gas, diarrhea, constipation, and abdominal pain could indicate an underlying inflammatory condition such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) or Crohn's disease.

Skin Problems

Skin issues like eczema, psoriasis, and acne are often linked to chronic inflammation. These conditions are not just surface-level problems but indicators that something deeper may be wrong with your immune system.

Weight Gain or Loss

Unexplained weight gain or loss can also be a sign of chronic inflammation. Inflammatory markers in the blood can affect how your body processes food and stores fat.

Frequent Infections

If you find yourself frequently falling ill with colds or other infections, it could be due to an overactive immune system caused by chronic inflammation.

Mood Disorders

Inflammation doesn't just affect your physical health; it can impact your mental well-being too. Conditions like depression and anxiety have been linked to elevated levels of inflammatory markers in the blood.

How Chiropractic Care Can Help

Chiropractic care focuses on diagnosing and treating musculoskeletal disorders through manual adjustment techniques. Chiropractors believe that proper alignment of the spine plays a crucial role in overall health by allowing the nervous system to function optimally.

Reducing Pain

One of the primary benefits of chiropractic care for those suffering from chronic inflammation is pain reduction. Spinal adjustments help relieve pressure on nerves caused by misaligned vertebrae (subluxations), thereby reducing pain signals sent to the brain.

Improving Mobility

Chronic inflammation often leads to stiffness in joints and muscles which restricts movement over time if left untreated . Chiropractic adjustments help improve range-of-motion by realigning joints back into their proper positions .

Enhancing Immune Function

Regular chiropractic visits may boost immune function . Proper spinal alignment ensures optimal communication between brain & body , enabling better coordination among various systems including immunity .

The Role Of Physical Therapy

Physical therapy involves exercises designed specifically for individual needs aimed at improving strength , flexibility , balance & coordination . It’s particularly beneficial when dealing with conditions resulting from prolonged periods without activity, due to either injury recovery, phase post-surgery rehabilitation programs, etc .

Customized Exercise Plans

Physical therapists create personalized exercise plans tailored according to specific requirements, ensuring safe effective workouts targeting problem areas, directly addressing root causes behind symptoms experienced due ongoing inflammatory processes within tissues themselves .

Manual Therapies

In addition to prescribed exercises many physical therapists employ manual therapies such massage techniques aimed at reducing muscle tension promoting relaxation increasing blood flow to affected regions, thereby aiding natural healing mechanisms inherent within human physiology itself .

Recognizing signs associated with ongoing inflammatory responses  is critical in maintaining good health, preventing further complications down line . Both chiropractic care and physical therapy offer viable solutions managing symptoms improving the quality of life to those affected by these conditions respectively . If you suspect you are experiencing any aforementioned indicators, consider consulting a healthcare professional to discuss potential treatment options!

Joint pain is a common complaint among adults, often associated with aging or strenuous physical activity. However, it can also be a symptom of various health conditions. Understanding when to worry about joint pain can help you seek timely medical intervention and prevent potential complications. This article will discuss the signs and symptoms that indicate your joint pain may require medical attention.

Understanding Joint Pain

Joint pain refers to discomfort, aches, and soreness in any of the body's joints, including the knees, hips, shoulders, or fingers. It is a widespread issue that can result from a variety of factors such as injury, arthritis, gout, lupus, or infections.

In many cases, joint pain is not a cause for concern and can be managed with rest and over-the-counter medications. However, there are instances when joint pain signals more serious underlying health problems that necessitate professional medical care.

When Should You Worry About Joint Pain?

  1. Persistent or Chronic Joint Pain

If your joint pain persists for several weeks despite rest and home remedies like hot/cold compresses or over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), it's time to consult your doctor. Chronic joint pain could indicate conditions like rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis.

  1. Severe Joint Pain

Severe joint pain that limits your mobility or affects your quality of life should not be ignored. If you experience intense discomfort while performing daily activities such as walking, climbing stairs or even resting, seek immediate medical attention.

  1. Joint Swelling

Swelling in the joints accompanied by redness and warmth could be indicative of inflammation due to an infection or an autoimmune disorder like rheumatoid arthritis.

  1. Fever Accompanied by Joint Pain

If you experience fever along with joint pain, it could signify an infection in the body that needs immediate treatment.

  1. Unexplained Weight Loss

Unexplained weight loss coupled with joint pain could be a symptom of a serious health condition like cancer or an autoimmune disease.

  1. Joint Deformity

Any noticeable changes in the shape or structure of your joints, such as bending or twisting, should be addressed immediately. This could indicate progressive conditions like rheumatoid arthritis.

What Should You Do If You're Worried About Joint Pain?

If you're experiencing any of the above symptoms, it's crucial to consult with a healthcare professional. They can conduct a thorough examination and recommend appropriate tests to diagnose the cause of your joint pain. Depending on the diagnosis, your doctor may suggest various treatments ranging from medications and physical therapy to surgery in severe cases.

Preventing Joint Pain

While not all types of joint pain can be prevented, certain lifestyle modifications can help reduce your risk and manage symptoms:

  1. Regular Exercise: Regular physical activity helps strengthen muscles around the joints, reducing stress on them.
  2. Healthy Diet: A balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals can help maintain bone health and reduce inflammation.
  3. Maintain a Healthy Weight: Excess weight puts additional pressure on weight-bearing joints like knees and hips, increasing the risk of joint pain.
  4. Avoid Overuse: Overusing a particular joint during repetitive motions or activities can lead to injury and subsequent joint pain.

Joint pain is often manageable with rest and over-the-counter remedies; however, persistent or severe symptoms should not be ignored as they could indicate serious underlying health conditions. If you're worried about your joint pain, don't hesitate to seek medical advice. Remember that early detection often leads to more effective treatment strategies and better outcomes.

Physical therapy is a powerful tool in the medical field that aids in the recovery and management of various health conditions. It is a non-invasive approach that helps individuals regain their strength, mobility, and overall functionality. This blog post will delve into how physical therapy can help with musculoskeletal injuries, joint pain and arthritis, back and neck pain, sports-related injuries, post-surgical rehabilitation, neurological conditions, balance and coordination issues, as well as chronic pain conditions.

Physical Therapy for Musculoskeletal Injuries

Musculoskeletal injuries refer to damage to the muscles, bones, ligaments, tendons or nerves. These injuries can result from accidents or repetitive motions. Physical therapy plays a crucial role in managing these types of injuries by helping patients regain their strength and mobility. Therapists use various techniques such as manual therapy, exercises and education about body mechanics to help patients recover.

Joint Pain and Arthritis Management through Physical Therapy

Arthritis is a common condition characterized by inflammation of one or more joints causing pain and stiffness. Physical therapists are skilled in designing programs that reduce joint pain while improving mobility. They use techniques such as heat or cold therapy, electrical stimulation or ultrasound to reduce inflammation. Additionally, they teach patients exercises to improve flexibility and strength which can help manage arthritis symptoms long-term.

Addressing Back and Neck Pain with Physical Therapy

Back and neck pain are common complaints among adults. Whether it's due to poor posture or an underlying condition like herniated discs or spinal stenosis, physical therapy can be beneficial. Therapists use techniques like manual therapy (hands-on treatment), therapeutic exercises or postural training to alleviate discomfort while improving spinal health.

Sports-Related Injuries: A Case for Physical Therapy

Sports-related injuries are common among athletes but can also occur in non-athletes who engage in physical activities. These injuries can range from sprains and strains to more serious conditions like fractures or concussions. Physical therapists are trained to assess these injuries and design rehabilitation programs that help individuals return to their sport or activity safely.

Post-Surgical Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy

After surgery, it's common for patients to experience pain, swelling and limited mobility. Post-surgical rehabilitation through physical therapy is essential in helping patients regain their strength, flexibility and overall function. Therapists work closely with the patient's healthcare team to develop a personalized rehabilitation plan that aligns with the patient's recovery goals.

Physical Therapy for Neurological Conditions

Neurological conditions such as stroke, Parkinson's disease or multiple sclerosis can significantly impact an individual's ability to move and perform daily activities. Physical therapists are trained in neurology and can help these patients improve their balance, coordination, strength and mobility. This can greatly enhance their quality of life.

Addressing Balance and Coordination Issues with Physical Therapy

Balance and coordination issues can result from various conditions such as vertigo, aging or neurological disorders. These issues can increase the risk of falls which can lead to serious injuries. Physical therapists use balance training exercises, gait training and other techniques to improve balance and coordination.

Managing Chronic Pain Conditions with Physical Therapy

Chronic pain is a complex condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It can be caused by various factors including injury, disease or nerve damage. Physical therapy offers a non-pharmacological approach to managing chronic pain. Therapists use techniques such as manual therapy, therapeutic exercise or education on pain management strategies to help patients manage their chronic pain effectively.

Physical therapy is a versatile treatment approach that helps individuals recover from various health conditions while improving their quality of life. If you're dealing with any of the above-mentioned conditions or any other health issue that affects your mobility or function, consider seeking the services of a physical therapist. They will work with you to design a personalized treatment plan that aligns with your recovery goals.

The human body is an intricate system that requires regular maintenance to function optimally. One of the ways to ensure your body is in its best shape is by visiting a chiropractor. Chiropractic care has been gaining popularity over the years due to its holistic approach to health and wellness. It provides an alternative or complementary solution to conventional medicine, especially for conditions such as knee pain, back pain, and neck pain. This article will delve into the benefits of going to a chiropractor and how techniques like the activator method and cervical traction can help alleviate various physical discomforts.

Alleviating Pain: Back Pain, Neck Pain, and Knee Pain

One of the primary reasons people visit chiropractors is to seek relief from persistent pains in various parts of their bodies. A chiropractor can help manage and reduce discomfort associated with back pain, neck pain, and knee pain.

Back Pain: Back pain is a common ailment that affects many people worldwide. It can be caused by various factors such as poor posture, heavy lifting, or underlying medical conditions. A chiropractor uses spinal manipulation techniques to realign your spine, thereby reducing back pain significantly.

Neck Pain: Neck pain can be debilitating and affect your quality of life. Chiropractors use cervical traction – a treatment method that stretches the spinal vertebrae in your neck – to relieve neck pain. This technique reduces pressure on your cervical discs and promotes healing.

Knee Pain: Knee pain can result from injuries or chronic conditions like arthritis. Chiropractors use different techniques such as joint manipulation or activator method – a handheld device that delivers gentle impulse force to the spine – to alleviate knee pain.

Improving Posture

Visiting a chiropractor offers an array of advantages, and among them is the substantial improvement in posture. With today’s digital age, a considerable portion of the population finds themselves hunched over computers or mobile devices for hours of the day, leading to the pervasive issue of poor posture. This prevalent problem has cascading effects on musculoskeletal health and overall well-being. However, the intervention of regular chiropractic adjustments proves to be a great solution.

Chiropractors use a holistic approach to address misalignments and irregular curves in the spine that often result from prolonged periods of poor posture. Through targeted adjustments, chiropractors work to realign the spine, promoting better postural habits over time. The spine, being the central support structure for the body, plays a crucial role in maintaining balance and proper alignment. As chiropractic care progressively corrects misalignments, it contributes significantly to enhancing one's posture.

Proper posture extends beyond mere aesthetics; it is integral to the prevention of joint and muscle pains. The intricate network of bones, muscles, and joints operates optimally when the body is in proper alignment. Poor posture, on the other hand, places stress on these structures, leading to discomfort and potential long-term issues. By seeking regular chiropractic care, individuals not only address existing postural issues but also fortify their musculoskeletal system against the daily challenges imposed by modern sedentary lifestyles.

The positive impact of improved posture goes beyond physical appearance, influencing overall health and well-being. A well-aligned spine ensures that the nervous system functions optimally, facilitating efficient communication between the brain and the rest of the body. This, in turn, promotes better organ function, immune response, and overall vitality.

Simply-put, the benefits of visiting a chiropractor extend far beyond the alleviation of specific aches and pains; they encompass the cultivation of a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle. By actively engaging in chiropractic care to enhance posture, individuals not only mitigate the risks associated with modern-day sedentary habits but also pave the way for enduring well-being and vitality.

Enhancing Body Function

Chiropractic care goes beyond pain management. It is also about enhancing your body's overall function. Regular chiropractic adjustments can help increase your body's blood flow, boost the immune system, improve digestion, increase energy levels, and enhance breathing function. By optimizing the nervous system's performance – which controls every cell and organ in your body – chiropractors can help you maintain optimal health.

The Activator Method

The activator method is a technique used by chiropractors to treat various conditions including back pain, neck pain, and headaches. This method uses a small handheld device known as an activator adjusting instrument to deliver a gentle impulse force to the spine with the aim of restoring motion to the targeted spinal vertebra or joint.

This technique is safe and does not involve any twisting or popping of the body. It is particularly beneficial for older patients who may not be able to tolerate other forms of chiropractic treatment due to their age or physical condition.

In conclusion, visiting a chiropractor offers numerous benefits that go beyond pain relief. From improving your posture and enhancing body functions to using specific techniques like the activator method and cervical traction for targeted treatment, chiropractic care provides a holistic approach to health and wellness.

Whether you are struggling with chronic knee pain, back pain or neck pain, or simply want to improve your overall well-being, consider making an appointment with a reputable chiropractor in your area. Remember that like any other healthcare regimen, consistency is key in chiropractic care for long-term benefits.

At FLEXX, we're revolutionizing the way pain and physical limitations are treated. Our integrated chiropractic approach is a game-changer in healthcare, designed to not just alleviate pain but to restore your body's natural function and performance.  

We don’t believe in one-size-fits-all solutions. Our team of nurse practitioners, chiropractors, and rehab technicians trained in physical therapy collaborate closely to develop a personalized care plan for you. This multidisciplinary approach ensures that every aspect of your health is addressed, leading to faster and more effective recovery.

Flexx Columbus
Discover A New Level Of Wellness
2013 Highway 45 N, Suite 1, Columbus, MS 39705
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